New update V6.9 (nice)

Tutorial level part 2 added back as a DEMO for testitng.

New menus added finally! (needs a bit more work)

Fov slider and some options for sensitivity on the game menus (temporary).

Arena map (Fire Chamber) had various errores fixed, and a continuation after beating the boss.

New Spinning rat easter eggs added.

New 3D models:

Gates, Doors, Elemental enemies, Skeletons, Zombies, Armored

New Audios added

New elemental attack for Elemental Enemies:

Fire attack (a floor fire that stays for sometime, inflicting damage overtime on the player)

Ice attack (huge ice structure that can encase the player and trap them, it also can act as a temporary obastacle)

Thunder attack (a quick thunderbolt summoned on the player's head)

Removed extra assets from player that weren't used

Minor Tweaks from gameplay like some speed, gravity, and other small things.

Important: Unfortunately the file is to large for Itch, so as of now the latest version cannot be played on the site. So this version is only downloadable as an .exe for windows.

Get The Elemental Crypt

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